College Park Baptist Church home pageWednesday at Mt. Outreach

June 3, 2002

We are making very good progress. The house passed electrical inspection in the morning and power was hooked up at 2:00. Most of us arrived early this morning to find that the drywall mudders had finished their work the night before. Vinyl flooring was laid around lunch time. Painting is complete, or nearly so. Doors have been hung.

While Monday was a long day, as expected, our good progress and five day schedule meant that the rest of the week has been able to proceed at a comfortable pace. The hotel pool got a good workout last night (new pictures since Tuesday's upload) and this afternoon. Last evening, around 80 of us headed to the Cumberland Inn for a group dinner.

Temperatures have been in the 90's, but the site is a beautiful, shady location, and is comfortable to place to work even on hot days such as today. The beverage crew has done a great job of keeping water, lemonade, and gatorade flowing.

Thanks for all your prayers. We'll keep you posted on happenings on the site.

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