Latest update via Wes Morgan.
I had a nice phone call from Barbie yesterday afternoon, giving a full report on how the group was doing. Saturday, they had the day-long trip to Montserrat. They toured extensively on the island, and she said the volcano had to be seen to be believed! Sunday morning's church service was excellent, with Pastor Mark presiding. The congregation has been warm and welcoming to our group. The music included lots of praise songs and was aided by guitar and drums. Sunday afternoon, our group moved to the Barrymore Beach Hotel, as planned. A rain shower came up during the move, but everybody is re-settled now to the hotel, which is really more like an efficiency apartment with 2 bedrooms, a bath, and a living room in each unit. She says everyone will really enjoy a little more "structure" in where they're going to sleep, shower, etc. Also, being at Barrymore Beach will put them right on the beach for beautiful sights and some good recreation. The ladies cooking at the church have done a great job, and our group has had a lot of local foods. Most have enjoyed this experience and liked the food. Last night, our youth were to lead the service, with Ramon bringing a message. Barbie says it has been difficult for the youth to call home. The church phone will not call off-island, and there just hasn't been an opportunity for most to call home. A couple who have tried have run into calling-card problems calling back to the US. The group is fine, upbeat, and very compatible even though sleep has been in short supply. This morning (Monday) they visit in 2 different schools to observe local classes in progress. They then visit the downtown open market areas, and have afternoon recreation (swimming, snorkeling) time. Hope this is a good report for you. If any more photos are received, I'll let you know. Thanks, Wes |