Hurricane Relief, Round 2

September 21, 2018

Thanks to all who responded to our earlier call for assistance.


The first truckload has been delivered, and no doubt Billy Tarlton and the good people of Grifton Mission Ministries are already getting supplies in the hands of those who are in need. Special thanks to Joshua Hauser and HKS Hardware & Hollow Metal for the transport truck, and their driver Jeff, for delivering the load safely. Also, thanks to Rick Bailey, and the good men of First Baptist Church, Farmville, for helping Jeff unload the precious cargo!
The next load will go to Wilmington next Thursday, and we will need:

  • canned (pop-top) foods
  • other non-perishable foods
  • water
  • cleaning supplies (spray cleaners, sponges, cleaner wipes, paper towels, gloves, etc.) There is a great need for cleaning supplies!
  • paper products
  • personal hygiene items

You can bring items by the church, M-F 8:30am-4:30pm, and 6-8pm Tuesday evening, as well as Wednesday evening 4:30-6:30pm. The need is great and our ministry partner in Wilmington, Impact Church, is ready to get these supplies in the hands of people who need the help!


You have done a great job so far, but there is more work to do!  Spread the word!


P.S. In response to questions: 100% of the money you donate through College Park goes for supplies for hurricane victims. There are NO administrative fees or even transportation fees taken from your contributions. 100% of the supplies purchased go directly to Ministry partners in Grifton and Wilmington who have the capability to get the aid into the hands of those who need it. The supplies we send are not warehoused waiting for distribution, they are put into hands…to help people!

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