Category Archives: Cancellations

Open bible

March 16 church update

We hope this finds you healthy and well.  I don’t know about you, but it feels like life has both sped up and slowed down at the same time.  We are in a strange time.  The questions seemingly have no answers.  Even if we do get answers one day, the next day comes with new questions.

We all feel something is different.  We have this in common. 

For that I am so very thankful.   We do not have to weather this alone.  It is a gift knowing that people are praying for one another and standing by to do whatever is needed.  Even more so is knowing we serve a God who has not abandoned us.  Thank God for His Holy Spirit and His church.

As we face these new days, our leadership and staff are working diligently to provide ongoing support and resources.  In keeping with current recommendations by both Federal and State governments, all activities at College Park are cancelled until Monday, March 30.  We will continue to monitor the situation and prepare for the time when it is safe for us all to return. 

Our staff and leadership will be putting things together for a Sunday service which will be available by live stream and our church website.  We will also be sending out resources for families, kids, students, and adults of every age. 

Our first idea is to do the same Bible devotion together.  We will start with a devotional called, “A Journey From Worry to Confident Hope: Praying Through the Lord’s Prayer.”  Everyone is invited to read it together.  Click this link and follow the instructions.  It uses the “Bible” app available on smart phones, tablets, and computers.  We hope you will join us in studying God’s word together.  If you choose to read together with others, the first reading is scheduled for March 17.  Let us know if you have any questions.

Keep being the church where you are.  Love, sing, serve, encourage, and pray.  Reach out by phone or device to your family, neighbors, fellow church members.  This is a great opportunity to be the church where you are.  Just because we are not able gather in the same building doesn’t mean we aren’t the church.  Wherever God’s people are, He is with them.  So continue being the church.

We will be in communication with you in the coming days.  Please let us know if we can do anything for you.  May the Lord bless you and keep you!

The Church Staff

Featured image by Ryk Neethling from Melbourne, Australia. CC Attribution 2.0 Generic, via

College Park’s Response to Coronavirus UPDATE

Dear College Park Family,

Yesterday morning, as I prepared the email that was sent out last evening, my hope was that we would be able to meet together tomorrow and gain some sense of peace and comfort by being together in the midst of the anxiety of this past week. We wrestled with should we meet…should we share communion in the usual fashion…? Based on the local information we had, we decided to not serve communion, but still meet together for those who wanted to come.  In light of information that we have received since yesterday evening, we have decided to err on the side of caution and cancel all services tomorrow. We will stay tuned to all local information and make additional calls if necessary.

In the meantime, we will be live streaming a blended service on the church’s Facebook page about 9:00 in the morning, and the same service will be available later in the day through our usual Vimeo page, and the church website:

Remember that there are people all around us that are fearful and need to experience the love and peace of Jesus! This can be a great time to show the love of Christ!

As always, please call if we can help in any way!

