Upcoming events, April 8 – 14

  • The menu for Wednesday night supper is sandwich/sub/salad bar, chips and dessert.
  • Join us tonight at 6:00 in the gym for Family Game Night – Tee Ball.
  • WMU will have Coffee, Tea & Thee in Smith Hall on Tuesday at 1:00. All ladies are invited.
  • Volunteer training for Forsyth Jail Ministry will be held Sunday, April 15, from 2:30-4 pm at Piney Groves Baptist Church, 4715 Indiana Ave, 27106.
  • Our regular Church Conference will be held on Wednesday, April 18 at 6:45 p.m.
  • Deacons will meet on Wednesday, April 18 at 7:30 p.m.
  • College Parkers will meet on Thursday, April 19 at 11:30 a.m. See Charles Edwards for details.
  • A Called Conference is scheduled for Wednesday, April 25. The purpose of this conference is to discuss and vote on motions pertaining to security improvements through the church. The specific improvements to be discussed include additional cameras and expansion of the security system, replacement of the exterior entry doors of the Sanctuary as well as the replacement of exterior entry doors of the Chapel.
  • Our Youth will be leading us in worship on Sunday, April 29. We will have a combined service at 11:00.
  • Book Club meets on Monday, April 30 at 7:00 p.m.