Youth & Parent Meeting

January 27
6:00 – 7:30 PM
@ College Park


As the new year begins, there are several things coming up for our youth ministry.  At this Youth and Parent meeting, will be discussing Dinner and a Show, changes to Youth Camp, and more.  We also need feedback on some questions we have regarding potential events.  My plan is for the big meeting to be quick so that we can get to work on the main event.

The major item to discuss is the Dinner and a Show.  There are 5 planning teams which we need to make the event happen.  Some parents have already picked a team and started working.  This meeting will be the time for everyone to pick and team and start planning.  We will spend the bulk of our time planning with our teams.  Here are the team choices:

  • Meal Planning and Preparation
  • Meal Service/Decoration
  • Show Planning and Preparation
  • Tickets/Promotion
  • Clean Up

We hope all of our youth and parents will be part of our upcoming planning meeting on January 27.  With so much going on this year, we want to make sure everyone is aware of what is happening.