The Arctic Edge VBS Adventure is Underway

Vacation Bible SchoolAugust 2, 2006

The church has been alive this week with the laughter and joy of children of
all ages. Everyone has enjoyed great food, worship, Bible study, recreation,
and crafts! In fact, this year’s VBS adventure had over 140 people on the first
night including 63 preschoolers and children! What a great turnout!

This week we are learning about what it means to have courage. Sometimes
things can get a little scary in life—from monsters in the closet to telling other
people about what we believe about God. Regardless of how old we are,
there are some scary things we can face, but God reminds us to be courageous
in Joshua 1:9 - “I command you--be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid
or discouraged. For the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.”

I am continually amazed at how much work goes in to making VBS possible.
SO many people put in tons of hours - from making the banners for each
room, to preparing lesson plans, to calling people, to preparing and serving
food, to leading worship, to teaching! Putting it all together is surely a gift
from God. A big “thank you” goes out to all the children, youth, and adults
who helped make this year’s VBS so much fun!

Director: Lori Jackson
Assistant Director: Jennifer Allen
Excursion/Bible study leaders: Melissa & Chris May; Lori Cogdill,
Jason Cogdill, Angie Somers, Vicky Palmer, Robin & N’Earl Godwin,
Kim Jones, Charlie Jones, Beth Huff, Saundra Smith, Bernice Hudspeth,
Janet Somers, Liz Matthews
Crafts/Recreation/Worship Leaders: Lisa Randleman, Debbi
Patterson, Lizzy Boyles, Ramon Smith, Russ Talley, Sam Haymore, Lucy
Matthews, Carson Smith, Ben Rickman, Keith Minster, Ryan Minster
Dinner: All the Sunday school departments, Julie Blink, Sue Buitendorp,
Alice Wilson
Team guides: Sheryl Burnett, Sarah Burnett, Elizabeth Hinson, Sydney
Sauers, Erin Cobbler, Jason Hunn, Forrest Matthews,
Maggie Hinson, Kathy McDaniel, Rachel Minster, Rebecca Wyatt, Ashley
Wood, Anna Cook, Sarah Rickman
Set Designers/Painters/Decorators: many children, the entire youth
group, David John Hailey, Lizzy Boyles, Kim Jones
Church staff: Ramon Smith, Joan Snyder, Gail Holland, Robert
I am so thankful for the work of these people and everyone who put so much
time into VBS. Always know that God used you to change people’s lives! I
am blessed to minister with you!


Click here for photos and highlights.