Children’s Ministry

Children’s Sunday Celebration

Please Join Us On Our Trip To The Farm!

Everyone is invited to join us for an afternoon of family fun! Click here to check out Jones’ Strawberry Farm and Corn Maze!
Don’t Forget to Vote for our College Park Scarecrow!

Olympic Size Faith Day Camp

Save the Date for VBS at The Park!

Children’s Camp – Beach Reach 2024

We had a blast at Fort Caswell as we worshiped and experienced how God has given us a spirit – not of fear – but of power, love, and self-control. (2 Timothy 1:7) Check out the fun!

Trip to Lazy 5 Ranch – Worshiping God’s Creation

“Even birds and animals have much they could teach you; ask the creatures of earth and sea for their wisdom. All of them know that the Lord’s hand made them. It is God who directs the lives of his creatures; everyone’s life is in his power.” ~ Job 12:7-10

Christmas at the Park

Kids Leading us in Worship

And . . . having fun preparing for Christmas!

Kids’ Mission Time – Wednesdays at 6:30 – Loving God & Loving Others

Prayer Partner Ministry

Our Prayer Partner Ministry is underway! This is a wonderful opportunity to build relationships as we build each other up through prayer and encouragement!

We had a STELLAR Bible School experience! Thank you for shining Jesus’ light!

Jesus said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” – John 12:8

Mother’s Day Breakfast Celebration

This was a wonderful time to celebrate the women of our church family! Thank you for helping us grow in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and men – just as Jesus did!

The Easter Eggstravaganza Was Eggcellent!

Check out the fun that we had celebrating our Savior! It was rainy outside, but inside it was a day filled with beautiful blessings! Thank you to all who helped make this possible for our children!

Children’s Happenings

Shining the Light of Jesus!
Beautiful Children of God!
Kids creating handmade bowls.
Next, fill with goodies and . . .
deliver to senior adults.
Sharing the Good News!
Leading us in worship.

Creation Kids Logo

You have taught the little children to praise you perfectly.– Psalm 8:2

Please join us as we gather together to grow in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and man – just like Jesus! Our kids meet for mission work and children’s choir on Wednesday evenings at 6:30. We join together on Sunday mornings at 10:45 for small group Bible study and then at 5:00 Sunday evenings for discipleship.

You are one of God’s greatest masterpieces and His love for you is great!