Monday morning, August 20, 2007 fort-two College Park seniors boarded their transportation to the "Conference by the Sea" sponsored by the NC Baptist State Convention at Caswell Baptist Assembly near Southport. Jason, Lori, and Thomas Cogdill went along as chaperones.
For a week they gathered to fellowship, worship, study, and eat. Morning classes ranged from ecology to Bible study. Afternoons include a river boat tour of the Wilmington harbor. Evenings were given to fellowship and worship, including a service on the old fort overlooking Bald Head Island. Everyone returned home Friday tired, a bit heavier, but in unanimous agreement that it was a great week.
Group 1: Photos beginning 08/21/07, 08:45 |
Group 2: Photos beginning 08/22/07, 20:10 |
Group 3: Photos beginning 08/24/07, 10:40 |
Group 4: Photos beginning 08/24/07, 20:56 |