The Power of a Simple Envelope

Our High School Youth are headed to New York City in June and they have one more goal to help get them there!

Our high school youth are hard at work preparing for our upcoming trip to New York City. We are journaling, reading scripture, and spending time praying about our trip. During this time, we value your ongoing prayers and encouragement.

A question we often hear is how will we pay for a trip like this. Any trip like this can be expensive for our people. Fundraising has been a considerable part of our past mission efforts. The recent smash hit Dinner and a Show raised a considerable amount of money and we had fun doing it. The other major fundraiser we do is “144 Envelopes.”

From May 13 through June 3, the mission team team will host a table outside of Smith Hall. On this table will be 144 envelopes. The outside of each envelope will have a dollar amount printed on it – $1, $2, $3 and so forth all the way to $144. Inside each envelope will be a letter from one of the team members talking about the upcoming trip.

Here is how you can help:

  • Choose an envelope with the preferred donation amount
  • Open the envelope and replace the participant letter with the suggested donation
  • Place the envelope with donation in the slot at the Giving Kiosk or pay for the donation by debit/ credit card at the Giving Kiosk
  • Take the participant letter home and use it as a reminder to pray for the trip

We know that everyone will be praying and encouraging us as we prepare. If you are able to give at any level, our team is thankful for your generosity and trust. We will strive to represent Christ with honor as we take all the blessings from College Park and use them to share His love.

Our Youth Ministry thanks you!