Upcoming Events, October 14, 2018 edition


  • The supper menu for Wednesday night is pulled pork, sides and dessert.
  • The proposed budget will be presented on Wednesday, October 17 at 6:45 for discussion. Voting takes place on Sunday morning, November 4.
  • Mayor Allen Joines will be joining us at our College Parkers gathering on October 18. Bring a covered dish and join us!
  • Sign up for Grub Club on October 18, as we go to River Birch Lodge. We will leave the church at 6:00 p.m.
  • Our regular church conference will be Wednesday evening, October 24 at 6:45. The Deacons will be bringing a motion to ask for approval to allow temporary occupancy of the Ransom Road house by two families of two persons each, for a total of four individuals. This emergency request comes from Marc Wyatt of Welcome House Ministries, and would not exceed six months without additional church approval.
  • Deacons meet on Wednesday, October 24 at 7:30 p.m.
  • Our Fall Family Festival is on Wednesday, October 31, 5-7 p.m. We need individuals, couples, families, Sunday School classes, mission groups, etc. to sign up to decorate a vehicle trunk with any child-centric theme. The children will visit these cars to receive candy, other give-aways, and even play a game you create! We are needing 25 trunks.
  • Join us as we rediscover the purpose, power and focus of our prayers as we study Philip Yancey’s “Prayer” on Sundays at 4:30, October 14 – November 18.
  • We are collecting for the North Carolina State Missions Offering. Our church goal is $3,000. This is a special offering that supports the ministries of Baptists on Mission, Church Planting, mission camps, associational projects and mobilization ministry projects. Disaster Relief through Baptist Men is supported by this offering.
  • It is time for our deacon election process for the upcoming year. We will be electing six deacons. Nominations close today. Nomination boxes are located at the Welcome Desk, on the tables outside the piano and organ entrances to the Sanctuary, in Adult 4, in the Coffee Room on the lower level of the Education Building, and in the information lobby at the bottom of the stairs. Please be in prayer about who God would have to serve in these leadership positions.