Deacon nominations open through Oct. 13

It is time to nominate Deacons!

Any member of the church may nominate up to six individuals for the upcoming Deacon Election.  Nominees must be resident church members, age 21 and above.  This form may be mailed to the church office, returned through the Sunday School,  placed in the offering plate during a worship service, or placed in one of the specially-marked boxes located throughout the church.  All forms must be in by October 13, 2019.  All nominees who are willing, able, and qualified to serve will appear on the ballot on November 10, 2019.  Those elected will begin service in January 2020.

Nomination boxes will be located at the Welcome Desk, in the Garden Lobby, on the tables outside the piano and organ entrances to the Sanctuary, in the Coffee Room on the lower level of the Education Building, and in the information lobby at the bottom of the stairs. Please be in prayer about who God would have to serve in these leadership positions.

You may download a copy of the Deacon Nomination form here.