Consolidated Mission Activities in October

We press forward with our plans to be the hands and feet of Jesus in our Jerusalem, our Judea/Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.

  • October is a month of collecting
  • November is a month of sending.
  • December is a month of celebrating the reason for it all!

Jerusalem: See the display about the Toy Store in the entry hall. Sign up to bring a gift, make a donation or participate on December 14. This effort joins 5 churches to minister to 50 families in need during Christmas.

Continue to support the Backpack Feeding Ministry by volunteering hours or dollars.

Judea/Samaria: See the display about the Day of Blessing in the entry hall. Sign up to travel to Grifton to cook, serve, pray, sing, give groceries, or help in any way needed. We need lots of desserts individually packaged – like 600 servings! – on November 8. We will package the groceries on Wednesday, Nov. 6. See the Grocery Sheet for specifics.

Ends of Earth: The entry hall has bright Christmas boxes to collect small toys, toiletries, and other gifts for Samaritan Purse’s Operation Christmas Child. You can also get a shoe box and pack your own. Final date for all Christmas Child donations is November 20. See the display and the newsletter for specific suggestions to put in your box.

Remember that Advent brings the opportunity to give to mission offerings for global missions. Missionaries who have followed their calling to serve are enabled to further their ministries with these funds.

Every Day, Every Where: Pray for each of these ministries! Pray that we are using our blessings to bless others! Pray for people to see Jesus because we step outside our doors!


Food boxes are in the entry hall to receive your groceries.

Each grocery bag costs about $30.00. Monetary donations for bags can be made to College Park with Day of Blessing in the remarks. If we get enough donations, we can order from the food bank and bring the cost down.

We need 300 “reusable” grocery bags that are at least 12 x 12 x 6. If you have some extras around the house, please bring them. Smaller flat bags are not big enough. The color and logo do not matter as long as it is not offensive.

We will have a packing party on Wednesday night, November 6. All hands on deck to pack up 300 or more grocery bags!

Items needed: (unbreakable, regular serving sizes)

  • Beans – green, pinto, black, navy, any kind
  • Fruit
  • Soup
  • Macaroni and Cheese boxes
  • Spaghetti Sauce
  • Spaghetti Noodles
  • Peanut Butter
  • Jelly
  • Boxed Rice
  • Jiffy Mix
  • Cereal/ Oatmeal
  • Crackers