At 11:00 a.m. Tuesday, those interested in helping with the Welcome House ministry are invited to meet with Marc Wyatt at the Ransom Road house. Our next guests will move in Wednesday.
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Upcoming events, March 3, 2019 edition
- The menu for Wednesday night supper is baked potato, salad, & chili bar and dessert.
- Join us for Ash Wednesday service this Wednesday at 7:00 p.m.
- There will be a called church conference on March 13 at 6:30 p.m. At the October conference, the church approved a six-month partnership with Welcome House ministries for the use of the Ransom Road house. The purpose of the called conference is to consider a motion from the Deacons to continue this partnership. If you have questions in advance of the meeting, please contact Deacons Russell Talley or Rick Matthews.
- College Park is eager to help our friends and neighbors down east. We periodically collect items to transport, and we have two coming opportunities for adults to go and serve.
- On March 22 and 23, NC Baptists on Mission will offer training for anyone interested in Disaster Relief. It will be in Thomasville on Friday evening and the following Saturday. All ages and abilities are welcome to train. Services are needed in Mass Feeding, Mud Out, Child Care, Administration, Chain Saw, and many other categories. If you are interested, please go to, then click Training. Click Disaster Relief, then choose the category that most interests you. We are in Region 5. You can register on that page.
- On April 17 to 20, we are recruiting a team to assist with the rebuild. Exactly where we go will be determined by the size of the group and needs at the time. Barbie Kale is organizing the team and will provide more information as the time draws near.
- Forsyth Memorial Cemetery is sponsoring a Lunch and Learn at College Park on Tuesday, March 12 at 11:30. Please let Matt Wilson know if you would like to attend.
- If you would like to place a lily in the sanctuary for Easter Sunday, April 21, please use the order form found at the Welcome Desk and return it to the church office no later than Wednesday, March 27. The cost will be $12.00/per plant and this should be paid at the time you order.
Highlights Newsletter, October 2018
Please read the Highlights Newsletter for October 2018.
Upcoming events, Sept. 16, 2018 edition
- The supper menu for Wednesday night is sweet & sour meatballs, hashbrown casserole, green beans, rolls and dessert.
- Deacons will meet on Wednesday evening, September 19 at 7:30.
- College Parkers will gather for a hot dog lunch on Thursday, September 20 at 11:30. The Barber Shop Quartet, “Sound Counsel,” will provide entertainment after the lunch. The cost is $5 per person.
- Women of all ages and stages are invited to “Pinterest with a Purpose,” a fellowship-filled event to creatively reach our community for Christ on Friday evening, September 21, 7-9 p.m. in the old fellowship hall. We will be making handcrafted gifts that we hope will be a blessing and lead to an opportunity to share Christ with others. Childcare will be available. Come enjoy the fun and fellowship! Contact Bet Matthews or Anita Hatchett for more information.
- Mark your calendar for Sunday evening, September 23, 6:00 – 7:00 for Family Game Night. We will be playing dodgeball.
- Book Club meets on Monday evening, September 24 at 7:00.
- Sign up for Grub Club and join us for lunch at Speedy’s BBQ in Lexington on Thursday, September 27. We will leave the church at 10:30.