Youth Camp 2018

July 16-20 Garden City Chapel Garden City Beach, SC

Pictures from Camp

Parent Info Sheets – to read while we are at camp

These letters help you get a sense of what we are talking about each day at camp.  They will give you specific things to talk about with your teenager.  Please note we are doing this material over one week as opposed to several weeks as suggested by the language in the letters.  We hope these letters are helpful in starting conversations with your teenager when we return.

  1. Monday PM Worship – Is there a Higher Power?
  2. Tuesday AM Worship – What is the purpose of life? (Part 1 and Part 2)
  3. Tuesday PM Worship – Why are there so many religions, and can they all be right?
  4. Wednesday AM Worship – Is it religion or relationship?
  5. Wednesday PM Worship – Why do bad things happen?
  6. Thursday AM Worship – What happens after we die?
  7. Thursday PM Worship – Who is Jesus?
  8. Friday AM Worship – What is Jesus’ message?

Have you heard the news? We are headed to Garden City, SC for this summer’s youth camp! We are staying at Garden City Chapel. It is a great place to stay for an entire week at the beach!

We will enjoy all of our normal camp stuff – worship, small groups, group recreation, free time at the beach, late night, etc. We will be joining another church for one GREAT youth camp. It is going to be unforgettable.

Early Sign Up Period

Now Closed
Cost: $210 ($185 another youth from same family)
Deposit due at sign-up: $50
Pay your early sign up balance by July 8!

Normal Sign Up Period

June 10 – July 8
Cost: $260 ($235 another youth from same family)
Deposit due at sign-up: $50 All balances due July 8!
Sign up now!

Pre-trip Downloads – make sure to review all!
  1. Camp Medical Permission Form (must be notarized)
  2. Camp Information Sheet
  3. Annual Behavior Contract (if not already on file)