
We arrived at 6:00 this morning to a bare foundation. Three walls were up by 10:00 a.m.

The temperature was brutal. Two thermometers in the shade read 100 and 104, and it is humid and hazy. The good news is that the participants have been doing a good job of keeping hydrated, thanks to many workers continually bringing water and Gatorade through the site. About 2:00 this afternoon work slowed as many people took a break to take in more fluids and rest. Gatorade consumption for today equaled what we usually consume in a week.

Around 2:30 the pace picked up again, and the house was under roof by 6:00 p.m. All windows are in, and the house is dry. All three bedrooms have been completely rough wired, so the insulation and drywall crews can begin on the back half of the house first thing Tuesday.

Communication is more difficult than usual. We are in a narrow valley with poor cell phone coverage. Parking is also a challenge.

Hard hat usage is not up to the standards of the safety crew, but is certainly the best we have ever had. Safety practices are definitely the best we have had. The safety crew has done a great job.

Apologies for the lack of pictures in the afternoon. The digital camera was inadvertently taken into town late morning. Check tomorrow for an early morning shot of the house. Click any picture for a bigger version.

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6:17 a.m.

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Three walls up

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Sorry, but no pictures after 10:08. Check again tomorrow.   

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Mountain Outreach '99

College Park Baptist Church