We arrived to a site wrapped in fog, just like yesterday. Temperatures were not quite as bad as yesterday (mid-90's vs. 102), and work progressed rapidly. We passed rough electrical inspection at 10:15 a.m. Drywall was in place by around 2:00, and it has all been mudded now.
Helen Simmons is sporting a bit of a shiner today from a fall she took yesterday on the gravel drive. She continues to work and refuses to complain.
The house exterior painting is complete. Interior painting begins tomorrow after the mud has a chance to dry.
Tonight we make our annual trek to Cumberland Falls for dinner, so we stopped work a bit earlier, with everyone leaving by 4:30 or so. (Jack Shearin, as he does on Tuesday each year, remained on site to get ahead with the plumbing. Thanks to Jack for the great work he does.)
Pictures from the day are below, mostly in chronological order. The filenames below each picture reflect the order in which they pictures were taken. Click on each picture for a full size image.
Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday A | Wednesday B | Thursday A | Thursday B