We need your help for Fall Fest!

Help us show the love of Christ to our community!

October 31, 5-8pm

fall fest

The Fall Family Festival is one of the big days around here. This year we will have inflatables and other activities outside starting at 5 PM! But we will not stop there.

We are headed back outside for this year’s event. We will be doing another “Trunk or Treat.” Basically, we would like decorated vehicle trunks for kids to come to visit. These vehicles will be placed on the front lawn of the church alongside the inflatables.

The trunks can be decorated with any child-centric theme like board games, cartoon characters, biblical themes, etc. The children will visit these cars to receive candy, other giveaways, & even play a game you create!

Because this year’s event is happening on Halloween night, we expect a huge number of children.

So we need 25 trunks this year!

We need individuals, couples, families, Sunday School classes, mission groups, etc. to sign up for a trunk. If you can help, call Jeff or send him an email at jeff@collegepark.ws.

We want to provide our community with a safe place & we can only do that with everyone playing a part!