Youth going Snow Tubing!

Youth Snow Tubing
January 23
7:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Hawksnest Snow Tubing Park
Seven Devils, NC

The youth are headed to Hawksnest Snow Tubing park near Boone!  We will have almost four hours of tubing.  Cost for the trip is $35 per person.  You can register here.  Every participant, youth and chaperone, must complete a release form for Hawksnest.  Also, all youth must have a current annual permission form on file.


  • Meet at church – 7:00 AM
  • Back at church – 5:00 PM

Please bring lunch and drink.  There are things to buy for lunch but it is just as easy to bring lunch.  Make sure to bring money if you don’t bring lunch. We will make sure there is a cooler available. There will be a snack bar available as well.

We will leave no later than 7:15.  Please be here on time so we can get to Hawksnest quickly.

Let me know if you have any questions!