Our Church Response to Coronavirus

Dear College Park Family,

As many of us talked about Wednesday night when we were together, these days are a little strange! With any new viral infection there is anxiety and uncertainty, but it also presents an opportunity for us, as believers, to demonstrate the peace that we have in Jesus!

With all of the closures taking place, the question has been asked many times as to whether we will have services this Sunday.

At this time, we are still planning to worship together this Sunday at the usual times; but, out of sensitivity to the current medical environment, we will not be taking communion this Sunday as was planned. We WILL share in warm communion with each other as we worship together!

Certainly, we will ask you to take precautions which are appropriate for any cold and flu season, such as washing your hands when you come into the building, and before you leave. I have been assured that we have plenty of soap and warm water and can handle the demand. We also ask that you temporarily ignore the Apostle Paul’s admonition to greet each other with a holy kiss, and opt instead for a warm smile and word of greeting and encouragement. And certainly, if you feel sick and/or feverish, please stay at home to prevent spreading of cold, flu, or whatever else your immune system may be battling. If you choose to stay at home rather than be in a group of people, we want you to know that you will be missed, but we certainly understand. If you need anything during this time, please feel free to contact your Deacon or the church office.

If you are unable to attend, know that our services will be made available online as soon as possible after the conclusion of the services. The link to the services (which are available on Vimeo) will be posted on the church website, www.collegepark.ws, Facebook, and we will also send an email with those links.

Any changes to the church schedule, and cancellation of services will be communicated through the church website, WXII television, WGHP television, WFMY television, and the church office telephone main greeting (336-768-5870).

Blessings and Peace,
Ramon Smith
Senior Pastor