Help us tell the story of Easter

Easter Promo from College Park Baptist Church on Vimeo.

This is the main event – Holy Week!

It is the time we remember and celebrate all the critical moments which define us as followers of Christ.  We will not be able to join together face-to-face in worship this week, but we still have a chance to tell the story.

So here is our challenge this week – how will you tell the story that Jesus is alive after taking on our sin and death?  It is the greatest news ever and we are called to share it with everyone.  This is something for every age and generation – child, student, adult.

  • Can you decorate your home? Your front door, your porch, your sidewalk?
  • Can you write something – a poem, a song, a note to a neighbor?
  • Can you call someone – a family member, a friend, someone living on their own?
  • Can you create something beautiful – with chalk, pencil, a keyboard, or a device?
  • Can you reach out to someone working through this pandemic at the risk of their own health?
How will you tell the story of God’s love and who will you tell?

We would like to see you making a difference.  Spend time in prayer, asking God how He can use your gifts and interest to share the truth of God’s love.  Then take a picture or a video of you doing whatever you are doing to tell the story of Easter.  If you write something and can share it, send that as well.  We will use what you send to make a video for our Easter service.  This is a perfect project for people of every age – moms, dads, preschool, elementary, middle school, high school, college students, big brothers, big sisters, prayer partners, grandmas, grandpas, anybody!

The Palm Sunday video was so powerful and it was well represented across the generations.  We would love to see even more participation this time.

Once you are done, send it to me by email – by Thursday, April 9 at Noon. Thanks for helping us out! Let us know if you have any questions!