Update: Position changed –Associate Pastor of Children and Media Technical Coordinator

This position is obsolete. Please see the posting for Minister to Children.

Original posting, retained for archival purposes

College Park Baptist Church of Winston-Salem, NC is seeking a well-qualified minister who can lead diverse but related programs of ministry which include children and their families and the media/technical needs of the church.

This full-time position will include support for the planning, publishing, organizing and updating content and features on social media platforms and web properties. In addition, responsibilities include planning, development and leadership of the children’s ministry in partnership with appropriate church councils and committees.

Experience in these areas of local church ministry or closely related programs is desired. Administrative oversight and leadership with sensitivity to all involved in these ministries are essential. Other expectations include a strong work ethic, a collaborative work spirit, and a love for children’s ministry.

It is expected that candidates will have a bachelor’s degree and, preferably, a master’s degree from an accredited seminary or divinity school. Previous ordination to the gospel ministry and intent to unite with College Park Baptist Church upon call are required.

A copy of the job description is available below:

Job Description: Associate Pastor of Children and Media Technical Coordinator

Interested candidates should send a cover letter and resume to Donna Bates, Search Committee Chair, at dbates@triad.rr.com by December 31, 2022.