All posts by Jeff Allen

Youth DiscipleNow is coming March 13

Youth DiscipleNow Retreat
March 13-15
Register here

DNow is a new event for us.  It is an in-town weekend retreat designed to help middle school and high school students connect with God and grow in their relationship with Him. We do this by focusing on worship, Bible study, and a large group service project. Last year, three of our local churches took part in a joint DNow as a test run for a new collaborative Spring PMBA event. This year, College Park will join in that partnership.

When is DNow?
DNow Weekend begins on Friday, March 13 and ends after Sunday School on March 15.

How much does DNow Cost?
$50 per youth. Cost covers all sessions, DNow shirt, service project supplies, Saturday Late Night hangout event, lunch on Saturday, and dinner on Friday and Saturday nights.  You can register here.

Where is DNow?
Our large group sessions and meals will be hosted by FBC Stanleyville. On Saturday we will be going out into the community to partner with other PMBA ministries for large scale service projects all over Winston Salem. Saturday night, our late night event will be at a local attraction in the Winston Salem/Greensboro area.

Where do we stay during the weekend?
We are in need of Host Homes where students sleep and have their small group Bible studies during DNow weekend. We need homes which hold 4 youth or more.  There will be one or more homes for boys and one or more for girls.  The host homes will need to provide a place for students to sleep, do their small group study, and provide a simple breakfast both mornings.

What is the schedule for the weekend?
Check out what we will be doing right here!

What should the parents now about our DNow?
There is a special letter just for parents that will provide all the important information.  You can get it here!

Youth going Snow Tubing!

Youth Snow Tubing
January 23
7:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Hawksnest Snow Tubing Park
Seven Devils, NC

The youth are headed to Hawksnest Snow Tubing park near Boone!  We will have almost four hours of tubing.  Cost for the trip is $35 per person.  You can register here.  Every participant, youth and chaperone, must complete a release form for Hawksnest.  Also, all youth must have a current annual permission form on file.


  • Meet at church – 7:00 AM
  • Back at church – 5:00 PM

Please bring lunch and drink.  There are things to buy for lunch but it is just as easy to bring lunch.  Make sure to bring money if you don’t bring lunch. We will make sure there is a cooler available. There will be a snack bar available as well.

We will leave no later than 7:15.  Please be here on time so we can get to Hawksnest quickly.

Let me know if you have any questions!

2020 Junior Senior Retreat is here!

Junior Senior Leadership Retreat
Gatlinburg/Pigeon Forge, Tennessee
January 18-20, 2020

We are excited to announce that this year’s Junior/Senior Leadership Retreat is being held in Gatlinburg on January 18-20. We will leave after all the basketball games are over on that Saturday and we will return just before dinner on Monday. The cost for the retreat is $110. This includes all leadership sessions, food, lodging, etc.

If you are interested in going, you must see Jeff for a short interview by January 8. Without this interview, you will not be eligible to go. Full payment for the trip will be due January 12. Contact Jeff with questions.  Register right here.

Important Downloads:

“No Other Gods” Bible Study starts July 10

We often think of idols as ancient graven images or golden calves, but God’s people still battle idolatry every day. Our idols look more familiar-money, fame, power, work, ministry, and people.  We serve these gods above the one true God and miss the unrivaled joy of following and knowing Jesus Christ.

This 8-week study will help identify the gods you may be unknowingly serving and the lies they tell you.  The study will meet Wednesday nights at 6:30 starting July 10th, led by Mary Keltner and Lee Loftis.  No worries if you have to miss a week for vacation, video is available online.  Please sign up by Friday, July 5 so we can order materials.  The cost of the book is $10.

Carrigan Farms – July 3, 3:00-10:00 PM

It is a church-wide summer adventure! 

Everyone is invited to an afternoon swim party, cookout and church fellowship. Carrigan Farms is the perfect location for this summer adventure fit for every age!

This includes an incredible cookout, unique swimming location, and fun times for all.  Check out all the fun we will have at Carrigan Farms!

Cost is $10 per person, family max of $20.  Pay at church or online!