Category Archives: Events

Operation Christmas Child is here!

Our children and youth mission groups are working together on this year’s Operation Christmas Child, a ministry effort to share the joy of Christmas with children around the world. Our children and youth will be making gift boxes on Wednesday, November 7. We need donated items to go in the boxes.

These donations (suggested list below direct from a missionary) will be collected during the weeks leading up to November 7. Donation boxes will be placed in the hallway outside Smith Hall.

  • For any age boy here, what they really want is a soccer ball. So get the best quality mini soccer ball that you can fit into the box when it is inflated (or send a deflated ball with a pump) and you can basically forget about anything else!)
  • Brand new nice short-sleeved shirts (with no writing on them) for boys and girls. Kids have few clothes and often wear old, ripped, hand-me-downs.
  • Small flashlights with batteries (Most families don’t have electricity so a working flashlight is gold!)
  • Good quality melamine plates, bowls, and/or cups.
  • Bars of soap AND plastic soap dishes that have a cover.
  • Toothbrushes with toothbrush holders.
  • Pencils, erasers, colored pencils, and sharpeners for all school-aged kids. And good quality pens for kids aged 10-14, in black, red, green, and blue.
  • Jump ropes
  • Marbles
  • Harmonicas
  • Band-Aids
  • Hard candy and gum
  • Combs
  • Hair elastics or headbands for girls
  • Simple watches for older kids
  • Solar calculators for older kids
  • Sunglasses for older kids
  • Socks
  • For the youngest girls, baby dolls with light brown skin and no hair
  • Toy cars, trucks or airplanes for the youngest boys (The ones with bigger wheels that are made for toddlers and are larger than Matchbox size are good. Matchbox wheels are so small, they don’t work well in the dirt.)

Donations will be collected through November 7.

We need your help for Fall Fest!

Help us show the love of Christ to our community!

October 31, 5-8pm

fall fest

The Fall Family Festival is one of the big days around here. This year we will have inflatables and other activities outside starting at 5 PM! But we will not stop there.

We are headed back outside for this year’s event. We will be doing another “Trunk or Treat.” Basically, we would like decorated vehicle trunks for kids to come to visit. These vehicles will be placed on the front lawn of the church alongside the inflatables.

The trunks can be decorated with any child-centric theme like board games, cartoon characters, biblical themes, etc. The children will visit these cars to receive candy, other giveaways, & even play a game you create!

Because this year’s event is happening on Halloween night, we expect a huge number of children.

So we need 25 trunks this year!

We need individuals, couples, families, Sunday School classes, mission groups, etc. to sign up for a trunk. If you can help, call Jeff or send him an email at

We want to provide our community with a safe place & we can only do that with everyone playing a part!

Upcoming events, Sept. 23 edition


  • The supper menu for Wednesday night is fried chicken, potatoes, green beans, rolls and dessert.
  • Don’t forget our Family Game Night this evening, 6:00 – 7:00. We will be playing dodgeball.
  • Book Club meets on Monday evening, September 24 at 7:00.
  • Sign up for Grub Club and join us for lunch at Speedy’s BBQ in Lexington on Thursday, September 27. We will leave the church at 10:30.
  • We are collecting for the North Carolina State Missions Offering. Our church goal is $3,000. This is a special offering that supports the ministries of Baptists on Mission, Church Planting, mission camps, associational projects and mobilization ministry projects. Disaster Relief through Baptist Men is supported by this offering.
  • It is time for our deacon election process for the upcoming year. We will be electing six deacons. Nominations open on Sunday, September 30 and close on Sunday, October 14. Nomination boxes will be located at the Welcome Desk, on the tables outside the piano and organ entrances to the Sanctuary, in Adult 4, in the Coffee Room on the lower level of the Education Building, and in the information lobby at the bottom of the stairs. Please be in prayer about who God would have to serve in these leadership positions.

College Park Responds to Hurricane Florence

Addendum 1, Sept. 21, 2018:

Pastor Ramon Smith posted to Facebook on Sept. 21:

“In response to a couple of PM questions: 100% of the money you donate through College Park goes for supplies for hurricane victims. There are NO administrative fees or even transportation fees taken from your contributions. 100% of the supplies purchased go directly to Ministry partners in Grifton and Wilmington who have the capability to get the aid into the hands of those who need it. The supplies we send are not warehoused waiting for distribution, they are put into hands…to help people!

“Feel free to PM me if you have other questions.


Ramon’s email address

Posted September 16, 2018.

Brothers and Sisters, College Park will be coordinating and implementing the distribution of survival and cleanup supplies to the coastal area of NC.

The first and most immediate need is for non-perishable food items and other basic supplies to be sent to Grifton Mission Ministries on Thursday morning. These supplies are needed ASAP and we will be collecting them in the Gym Lobby as you come into the church. These will be loaded Wednesday night and then leave town early Thursday.

Needed immediately:

  • Non-perishable foods (with pop tops where applicable)
  • Water
  • Personal hygiene items
  • Food is critical for daily survival for those who have lost pretty much everything they own

These items can be dropped off 8:30 am till 4:30 pm during the day, as well as 6:00-8:00 pm Tuesday evening, and of course Wednesday evening also.

We will also be continuing to gather other items to be used for weeks in the recovery efforts. We will continue reinforcing Grifton Mission Ministries and add to that a Wilmington presence with a cooperative effort with Impact Church in Wilmington.

The items needed going forward will include the above-listed items PLUS:

  • Gloves (disposable and work)
  • N-95 Masks
  • Flathead shovels
  • Insect repellent
  • Concrobium in the gallon size (or similar)
  • Plastic storage containers
  • Plastic/trash bags (all sizes)
  • Household cleaners
  • 5-gallon buckets.

These items can be dropped off at the same time and should be transported at the beginning of next week as Wilmington area is opening up.


If you are not able to purchase items, you can send a donation to the church through our online giving option on the church website, or give staff a check designated for hurricane relief.


Be the hands and feet!

Upcoming events, September 9, 2018 edition

  • The supper menu for Wednesday night is baked spaghetti, salad, rolls and dessert.
  • Deacons will meet on Wednesday evening, September 19 at 7:30.
  • College Parkers will gather for a hot dog lunch on Thursday, September 20 at 11:30. The Barber Shop Quartet, “Sound Counsel,” will provide entertainment after the lunch. The cost is $5 per person.
  • Women of all ages and stages are invited to “Pinterest with a Purpose,” a fellowship-filled event to creatively reach our community for Christ on Friday evening, September 21, 7-9 p.m. in the old fellowship hall. We will be making handcrafted gifts that we hope will be a blessing and lead to an opportunity to share Christ with others. Childcare will be available. Come enjoy the fun and fellowship! Contact Bet Matthews or Anita Hatchett for more information.
  • Mark your calendar for Sunday evening, September 23, 6:00 – 7:00 for Family Game Night. We will be playing dodgeball.
  • Book Club meets on Monday evening, September 24 at 7:00.
  • Sign up for Grub Club and join us for lunch at Speedy’s BBQ in Lexington on Thursday, September 27. We will leave the church at 10:30.
  • Please prayerfully consider being part of our Prayer Partner ministry. Every child, youth, and college student in our church is partnered with an adult who prays for them on a regular basis throughout the year. The name of every student in our church has been placed in an envelope and is available to be chosen by our adult church members. The envelopes are on the table in the main hallway.

Pinterest with a Purpose

Women of all ages and stages are invited to “Pinterest with a Purpose,” a fellowship-filled event to creatively reach our community for Christ on Friday, September 21, from 7-9pm in the Old Fellowship Fall (Building D, Level 1). We will be making handcrafted gifts that we hope will be a blessing and lead to an opportunity to share Christ with others. Childcare will be available. Come to enjoy the fun and fellowship!

Operation Christmas Child Boxing Party is Nov 7!

The Operation Christmas Child Boxing Party will begin at 6:30 pm on November 7. Our youth and children will be boxing up all of the items collected in the Operation Christmas Child Collection Drive. Help our youth and our children make a difference this Christmas for children around the world by donating items!

The Youth Fall Retreat is Coming!

November 16-18 at Ridgecrest

The highlight of our year is the Fall Retreat at Ridgecrest every November.  Over 300 youth and adult leaders gather the weekend before Thanksgiving each year to worship, grow, and fellowship together.  We combine worship, Bible study, recreation, and fellowship events into a powerful weekend.

Teenagers lives can be so difficult.  Our fast-paced, ultra-competitive world magnifies the pressures our teenagers feel.  Social media only intensifies these existing burdens.  Many live with secrets and hidden sin that can make teenagers feel isolated and alone.  Often under the intense desire to fit in, teenagers make decisions that lead to hurt, shame, and even sin.

Praise God there is freedom in Christ…

Learn more here.

Upcoming events, Sept. 8, 2018 edition

  • The supper menu for Wednesday night is hot dogs and hamburgers with all the “fixins,” chips and ice cream.
  • Deacons will meet on Wednesday evening, September 19 at 7:30.
  • College Parkers will gather for a hot dog lunch on Thursday, September 20 at 11:30. The Barber Shop Quartet, “Sound Counsel,” will provide entertainment after the lunch. The cost is $5 per person.
  • Women of all ages and stages are invited to “Pinterest with a Purpose,” a fellowship-filled event to creatively reach our community for Christ on Friday evening, September 21, 7-9 p.m. in the old fellowship hall. We will be making handcrafted gifts that we hope will be a blessing and lead to an opportunity to share Christ with others. Childcare will be available. Come enjoy the fun and fellowship! Contact Bet Matthews or Anita Hatchett for more information.
  • Mark your calendar for Sunday evening, September 23, 6:00 – 7:00 for Family Game Night. We will be playing dodgeball.
  • Book Club meets on Monday evening, September 24 at 7:00.
  • Sign up for Grub Club and join us for lunch at Speedy’s BBQ in Lexington on Thursday, September 27. We will leave the church at 10:30.
  • Please prayerfully consider being part of our Prayer Partner ministry. Every child, youth, and college student in our church is partnered with an adult who prays for them on a regular basis throughout the year. The name of every student in our church has been placed in an envelope and is available to be chosen by our adult church members. The envelopes are on the table in the main hallway.
  • Bible Study Fellowship for women and children from infants to 5 years of age begins Wednesday, September 12th, 9:30 to 11:00 am here at College Park. The study is “The People of the Promised Land.” There will be a drop-in pre-registration on Wednesday, September 5th between 10 and 11:30 a.m. We would love to have you join us as we begin this new study.

Upcoming events, August 26, 2018 edition

  • There will be no Wednesday night activities on August 29.
  • Book Club will meet on Monday, August 27 at 7:00 p.m.
  • The Grub Club will be going to the Hungry Farmer on Thursday, August 30. We will leave the church at 10:15 a.m. Please sign up at the Welcome Desk if you would like to go.
  • The ministry plan budget process will begin in August. The final deadline for all requests is August 31. Please direct any inquiries to either Grace Hodge in the church office or Ken Hatchett, the budget chair. Please be in prayer for this year’s ministry plan.
  • Women of all ages and stages are invited to “Pinterest with a Purpose,” a fellowship-filled event to creatively reach our community for Christ on Friday evening, September 21, 7-9 p.m. in the old fellowship hall. We will be making handcrafted gifts that we hope will be a blessing and lead to an opportunity to share Christ with others. Childcare will be available. Come enjoy the fun and fellowship! Contact Bet Matthews or Anita Hatchett for more information.
  • Bible Study Fellowship for women and children from infants to 5 years of age begins Wednesday, September 12th, 9:30 to 11:00 am here at College Park. The study is “The People of the Promised Land.” There will be a drop-in pre-registration on Wednesday, September 5th between 10 and 11:30 a.m. We would love to have you join us as we begin this new study.
fall fest

Fall Fest is October 31!

October 31, 5-7pm, FREE event

Join us for our annual Fall Family Festival! Free food, fun, games, and CANDY.


We’ll have:

  • Many inflatables including a giant slide and bouncy house
  • A hot dog dinner with sides and desserts
  • Trunk or Treat for the kids
  • Lawn Games including corn hole
  • Face painting and Fairy hair stations
  • Popcorn and snow cone booths
  • A Selfie Station
  • And more!

We hope to see you there!
This is a free event.
Learn more at

Upcoming Events, August 19, 2018 Edition

  • There will be no Wednesday night activities August 22 and August 29.
  • August 26 will be a Sunday of celebration, class promotion and worship. All preschool, children and youth families are invited to be a part. We will enjoy a special celebration during the Sunday School hour, including breakfast. Come for either worship service (9 or 11 a.m.) and for the kickoff celebration!
  • Book Club will meet on Monday, August 27 at 7:00 p.m.
  • The Grub Club will be going to the Hungry Farmer on Thursday, August 30. We will leave the church at 10:15 a.m. Please sign up at the Welcome Desk if you would like to go.
  • The ministry plan budget process will begin in August. The final deadline for all requests is August 31. Please direct any inquiries to either Grace Hodge in the church office or Ken Hatchett, the budget chair. Please be in prayer for this year’s ministry plan.
  • Women of all ages and stages are invited to “Pinterest with a Purpose,” a fellowship-filled event to creatively reach our community for Christ on Friday evening, September 21, 7-9 p.m. in the old fellowship hall. We will be making handcrafted gifts that we hope will be a blessing and lead to an opportunity to share Christ with others. Childcare will be available. Come enjoy the fun and fellowship! Contact Bet Matthews or Anita Hatchett for more information.
  • Bible Study Fellowship for women and children from infants to 5 years of age begins Wednesday, September 12th, 9:30 to 11:00 am here at College Park. The study is “The People of the Promised Land.” There will be a drop-in pre-registration on Wednesday, September 5th between 10 and 11:30 a.m. We would love to have you join us as we begin this new study.

Upcoming events, August 12 edition

  • Join us for our summer series, The Case for Christ, on Wednesday evenings. Bring your own bag supper at 6:00 p.m. and we will begin our Prayer Meeting/Bible study at 6:45 p.m.
  • Deacons will meet on Wednesday, August 15.
  • There will be no Wednesday night activities on August 22 and August 29.
  • August 26 will be a Sunday of celebration, class promotion and worship. All preschool, children and youth families are invited to be a part. We will enjoy a special celebration during the Sunday School hour, including breakfast. Come for either worship service (9 or 11 a.m.) and for the kickoff celebration!
  • Book Club will meet on Monday, August 27 at 7:00 p.m.
  • The Grub Club will be going to the Hungry Farmer on Thursday, August 30. We will leave the church at 10:15 a.m. Please sign up at the Welcome Desk if you would like to go.
  • The ministry plan budget process will begin in August. The final deadline for all requests is August 31. Please direct any inquiries to either Grace Hodge in the church office or Ken Hatchett, the budget chair. Please be in prayer for this year’s ministry plan.

Upcoming events, August 5, 2018 edition

Upcoming events, August 5, 2018

  • Join us for our summer series, The Case for Christ, on Wednesday evenings. Bring your own bag supper at 6:00 p.m. and we will begin our Prayer Meeting/Bible study at 6:45 p.m. The last night of our summer series will be August 15.
  • Destination X Date: August 10. We will be going to a Winston Salem Dash game, leaving the church at 6:15 p.m. The cost is $10. Please sign up at the Welcome Desk.
  • Deacons will meet on Wednesday, August 15.
  • There will be no Wednesday night activities on August 22 and August 29.
  • August 26 will be a Sunday of celebration, class promotion and worship. All preschool, children and youth families are invited to be a part. We will enjoy a special celebration during the Sunday School hour, including breakfast. Come for either worship service (9 or 11 a.m.) and stay for the kickoff celebration!
  • Book Club will meet on Monday, August 27 at 7:00 p.m.
  • The Grub Club will be going to the Hungry Farmer on Thursday, August 30. We will leave the church at 10:15 a.m. Please sign up at the Welcome Desk if you would like to go.
  • We are planning an Adult Camp at Ramada Plaza Oceanfront in Nags Head, NC for October 21 -25. Randy Weeaks and his wife, Doris, will be with us for the week. It’s a great opportunity to worship and play together at the beach. If you would like to go, we need to hear from you and receive your deposit by the first week in August. Information flyers may be found at the Welcome Desk.
  • The ministry plan budget process will begin in August. The final deadline for all requests is August 31. Please direct any inquiries to either Grace Hodge in the church office or Ken Hatchett, the budget chair. Please be in prayer for this year’s ministry plan.
We need you for Wednesday night suppers!

We Need You for Wednesday Night Supper!

Plans are being made to continue Wednesday Night Supper meals for the new school year, but help is needed. Meal team leaders/helpers, servers, set-up, clean-up, and occasional help are all needed. Please contact Carolyn Matthews if you are willing and able to help in any way. If you are not able to volunteer for a regular meal rotation but you or a small group can prepare one or two meals during the year, that will help a lot! The more people involved, the better!


Contact Carolyn through email ( or phone (336-407-2683).