Two Great Fall Service Project Opportunities
There are two great opportunities we have to serve our local community and the world. Check out these fun service projects coming up this fall!
Fall Family Festival
October 31, 4-6 PM
The Fall Family Festival is one of the important days around here. Our Family Ministry Team is excited to invite the entire church to help us make this year’s community outreach so much fun. We are making some adjustments this year to make sure the event is safe and fun for everyone. There are three ways you can help us! We want to provide our community a safe place and we appreciate your help!
First, we need your trunks! Our “Trunk or Treat” will be hosted in our parking lot and we need decorated car trunks for kids to visit. The trunks can be decorated with any child-centric theme like video games, cartoon characters, biblical themes, etc. The children will visit these cars to receive candy. Games are not needed this year. Just fun decorations and candy! We need individuals, couples, families, Sunday School classes, mission groups, etc. to sign up for a trunk. If you can help provide a trunk, call Jeff or email him.
Next, we need candy! If you are unable to provide a trunk, we certainly could use bags of candy! A collection box is available now in the hallway outside of Smith Hall.
Third, we need help on the day of the event. Greeters, parking lot attendants, etc. There are several jobs to make the event happen. These are simple volunteer tasks that help our guests feel welcome. If you are available to volunteer at the FFF, call Jeff or email him.
Operation Christmas Child Collection
through November 3
Our church is working together on this year’s Operation Christmas Child, a ministry effort to share the joy of Christmas with children around the world. The entire church will be making gift boxes on Wednesday, November 3. We need donated items to go in the shoeboxes. These donations will be collected during the month of October. Donation boxes are in the hallway outside Smith Hall. Check out this list of suggested items needed for donation.