Join us for our Easter Egg Hunt! This free event will begin with dinner at 5:30 pm, the birth-kindergarten Egg Hunt at 6:20 pm, Live Music on the Lawn at 6:45 pm, the Re:Vival worship service at 7 pm, the service ends at 8 pm, and the Lighted Egg Hunt (kids, aged through 6th grade) at 8:05 pm. It will be an awesome time! See you there.
Tag Archives: food
Easter Egg Hunt
Big Tent Re:Vival is April 7-10
In April we will have Big Tent Re:Vival services on the front lawn, which will explore new ways to exercise our faith as the body! The dates are Sunday, April 7 through Wednesday, April 10, so mark these dates on your calendar! We will have dinner each night at 5:30pm, and then the services will begin at 7:00pm. Plan to be here every night and bring guests with you! It will be a great time of Re:Vival!
9th Anniversary of Re:Creation service is February 3rd
Join us for the 9th-anniversary service of our Re:Creation worship service at 9 am on Sunday, February 3. B&B Cafe opens at 8:45 am to service pastries and drinks. See you there!
Save the Date! – Super Bowl Party
The Church-Wide Super Bowl Party is February 3rd at 5:30 pm!
You’re invited to join us on February 3rd in Smith Hall to watch the Super Bowl! We will also have the Chili Cook-off starting at 5:30 pm. Bring chili or your favorite tailgating dish to share. See you there!
We need your help for Fall Fest!
Help us show the love of Christ to our community!
October 31, 5-8pm
The Fall Family Festival is one of the big days around here. This year we will have inflatables and other activities outside starting at 5 PM! But we will not stop there.
We are headed back outside for this year’s event. We will be doing another “Trunk or Treat.” Basically, we would like decorated vehicle trunks for kids to come to visit. These vehicles will be placed on the front lawn of the church alongside the inflatables.
The trunks can be decorated with any child-centric theme like board games, cartoon characters, biblical themes, etc. The children will visit these cars to receive candy, other giveaways, & even play a game you create!
Because this year’s event is happening on Halloween night, we expect a huge number of children.
So we need 25 trunks this year!
We need individuals, couples, families, Sunday School classes, mission groups, etc. to sign up for a trunk. If you can help, call Jeff or send him an email at
We want to provide our community with a safe place & we can only do that with everyone playing a part!
College Park Responds to Hurricane Florence
Addendum 1, Sept. 21, 2018:
Pastor Ramon Smith posted to Facebook on Sept. 21:
“In response to a couple of PM questions: 100% of the money you donate through College Park goes for supplies for hurricane victims. There are NO administrative fees or even transportation fees taken from your contributions. 100% of the supplies purchased go directly to Ministry partners in Grifton and Wilmington who have the capability to get the aid into the hands of those who need it. The supplies we send are not warehoused waiting for distribution, they are put into hands…to help people!
“Feel free to PM me if you have other questions.
Ramon’s email address
Posted September 16, 2018.
Brothers and Sisters, College Park will be coordinating and implementing the distribution of survival and cleanup supplies to the coastal area of NC.
The first and most immediate need is for non-perishable food items and other basic supplies to be sent to Grifton Mission Ministries on Thursday morning. These supplies are needed ASAP and we will be collecting them in the Gym Lobby as you come into the church. These will be loaded Wednesday night and then leave town early Thursday.
Needed immediately:
- Non-perishable foods (with pop tops where applicable)
- Water
- Personal hygiene items
- Food is critical for daily survival for those who have lost pretty much everything they own
These items can be dropped off 8:30 am till 4:30 pm during the day, as well as 6:00-8:00 pm Tuesday evening, and of course Wednesday evening also.
We will also be continuing to gather other items to be used for weeks in the recovery efforts. We will continue reinforcing Grifton Mission Ministries and add to that a Wilmington presence with a cooperative effort with Impact Church in Wilmington.
The items needed going forward will include the above-listed items PLUS:
- Gloves (disposable and work)
- N-95 Masks
- Flathead shovels
- Insect repellent
- Concrobium in the gallon size (or similar)
- Plastic storage containers
- Plastic/trash bags (all sizes)
- Household cleaners
- 5-gallon buckets.
These items can be dropped off at the same time and should be transported at the beginning of next week as Wilmington area is opening up.
If you are not able to purchase items, you can send a donation to the church through our online giving option on the church website, or give staff a check designated for hurricane relief.
Be the hands and feet!
Bus Station Ministry returns Sept 19
Youth Bus Station Ministry for September will be on the 19th. We will leave the church at 6pm, dinner will be available before we leave for the youth going. We invite all youth to participate in this missions experience.
Youth Dodgeball Fellowship is September 9
September 9, 5-8pm
Our church is hosting a fun night of ducking, dipping, diving, and dodging! Several churches from our area will be coming to College Park for a youth dodgeball fellowship. We will also have 9-square and pizza to go along with the dodgeball! It is going to be a great night. Youth plan to join.

Fall Fest is October 31!
October 31, 5-7pm, FREE event
Join us for our annual Fall Family Festival! Free food, fun, games, and CANDY.
We’ll have:
- Many inflatables including a giant slide and bouncy house
- A hot dog dinner with sides and desserts
- Trunk or Treat for the kids
- Lawn Games including corn hole
- Face painting and Fairy hair stations
- Popcorn and snow cone booths
- A Selfie Station
- And more!
We hope to see you there!
This is a free event.
Learn more at

We Need You for Wednesday Night Supper!
Plans are being made to continue Wednesday Night Supper meals for the new school year, but help is needed. Meal team leaders/helpers, servers, set-up, clean-up, and occasional help are all needed. Please contact Carolyn Matthews if you are willing and able to help in any way. If you are not able to volunteer for a regular meal rotation but you or a small group can prepare one or two meals during the year, that will help a lot! The more people involved, the better!
Contact Carolyn through email ( or phone (336-407-2683).