Denominational Relations

Denominational Relations Pages


2007 College Park Denominational Giving Plans

At the called church conference on September 27, the church adopted choices of giving plans.

You may download the Choice Form here.

The plan designation by each member/household is a once per year choice indicated by completion of the choice form. The form is due at the church office by December 31.

Under the proposed 2007 church budget, 11.6% of your undesignated offerings will go to the denominational giving plan you choose. If different members of your household want to choose different plans, then they will each need to request separate offering envelopes.

Member designations will be considered private and confidential, known only to the church financial secretary and any committee personnel for whom such information is necessary to perform administrative functions. Statistics regarding the overall percentages of designations and financial totals related to those designations will be a matter of church record available to all members.

Undesignated gifts will be allotted to the default plan, Plan Option #1.

Thank you for supporting the many missions and ministries of our church.

Links to many of the agencies and institutions we support can be found on the Docs & Links page.


College Park Baptist Church