A Yard Sale Thank You!

Put it on your calendar! It’s DEACON CHURCH-WIDE WORK DAY AT THE PARK: September 23rd 8 am — 12 pm Are you interested in helping us beautify and organize our church spaces? We would love to have your help! Please contact Donna Bates if you can help so that she can adequately prepare and assign tasks. |
Still thinking about becoming a Prayer Partner? Then drop by the prayer partner table this Sunday to pick up a student’s envelope. Make a difference in our students lives as we surround them with prayer this school year! Look for special events throughout the year for you and your student to participate in! Table is located in main hallway. If you have any questions contact Leigh Ann.
Position Filled
This part-time position requires a qualified individual to manage the media/technical communications needs of the church. Experience in these areas of local church ministry or closely related programs is desired.
The candidate must demonstrate a mature and growing personal relationship with Jesus Christ. A strong familiarity with web and social media platforms as well as social media analysis tools is required. The candidate should also have a high level of interpersonal and relationship skills when working with ministry departments and staff members, as well as an ability to set schedules, meet deadlines, manage multiple tasks, and work as part of a team. Other expectations include a strong work ethic and a collaborative spirit regarding existing staff.
The Communications Specialist will provide support for planning, publishing, organizing, and updating content and features on all social media platforms, and other web properties.
The position is a part-time position of approximately 10 – 15 hours per week. It is expected that the individual will be present for regular Sunday morning and Wednesday evening church activities, unless the pastor has given prior approval for absences and has been advised of what arrangements have been made to cover the service(s) with a trained volunteer assistant.
Job description is available below:
Job Description: Communications Specialist
Interested candidates should send a cover letter and resume to Donna Bates, Search Committee Chair, at dbates@triad.rr.com by April 15, 2023.
Position Filled
College Park Baptist Church of Winston-Salem, NC is seeking a well-qualified Minister to Children.
This part-time position requires a well-qualified minister who can lead diverse but related programs as part of the ministry of College Park Baptist Church which include children and children’s families. Experience in this area of local church ministry or closely related programs is desired.
The candidate must demonstrate a mature and growing personal relationship with Jesus Christ. The candidate should also have a high level of interpersonal and relationship skills essential when working with ministry departments and staff members, as well as an ability to set schedules, meet deadlines, manage multiple tasks, and work as part of a team.
It is essential the candidate provide administrative oversight and sensitive leadership to all involved in this ministry. Other expectations include a strong work ethic, a collaborative spirit regarding existing staff, and a love for Children’s Ministry. Educational requirements include a minimum of a Bachelor’s degree, and preferably a Master’s degree with a focus on Religious Education from an accredited seminary or divinity school. Ordination to the gospel ministry and intent to unite with College Park Baptist Church upon call are also expected.
The Minister to Children is considered to be one of the professional ministers on the church staff and is part of the team approach to ministry. Specific areas of ministry include children (birth through 6th grade) and their families. This position is responsible for the planning, development and leadership of this ministry in partnership with appropriate church councils and committees.
The position is a part-time position of approximately 30 hours per week. The position will be paid by a salary designated and listed each year in a Cooperative Agreement. It is expected that the individual will be present for regular Sunday morning and Wednesday evening church activities, unless the pastor has given prior approval for absences.
Job description is available below:
Job Description: Minister to Children
Interested candidates should send a cover letter and resume to Donna Bates, Search Committee Chair, at dbates@triad.rr.com by April 15, 2023.
This position is obsolete. Please see the posting for Minister to Children.
College Park Baptist Church of Winston-Salem, NC is seeking a well-qualified minister who can lead diverse but related programs of ministry which include children and their families and the media/technical needs of the church.
This full-time position will include support for the planning, publishing, organizing and updating content and features on social media platforms and web properties. In addition, responsibilities include planning, development and leadership of the children’s ministry in partnership with appropriate church councils and committees.
Experience in these areas of local church ministry or closely related programs is desired. Administrative oversight and leadership with sensitivity to all involved in these ministries are essential. Other expectations include a strong work ethic, a collaborative work spirit, and a love for children’s ministry.
It is expected that candidates will have a bachelor’s degree and, preferably, a master’s degree from an accredited seminary or divinity school. Previous ordination to the gospel ministry and intent to unite with College Park Baptist Church upon call are required.
A copy of the job description is available below:
Job Description: Associate Pastor of Children and Media Technical Coordinator
Interested candidates should send a cover letter and resume to Donna Bates, Search Committee Chair, at dbates@triad.rr.com by December 31, 2022.
Update: this position is now filled. The congregation voted Sunday, March 12, 2023 to call William H. Worley as Minister to Senior Adults.
The Minister to Senior Adults is considered to be one of the professional ministers on the church staff and is part of the team approach to ministry.
The specific area of ministry for this position is senior adults. This position is responsible for the planning, development and leadership of this ministry in partnership with appropriate councils and committees as well as senior adult visitation ministry.
Ken Hatchett
1701 Polo Road
Winston Salem, NC 27106
Teresa Hill
1701 Polo Road
Winston Salem, NC 27106
A copy of the job description is available below:
Job Description: Minister to Senior Adults
Letters of application and resumes are due by January 31, 2022.
Update: Associate Pastor Matt Wilson was elected to this position on Sunday, February 5, 2023.
Welcome, Matt!
College Park Baptist Church of Winston-Salem, NC is seeking a well-qualified minister of youth and college students and their families, as well as recreation for all groups.
This full-time position will include managing the Recreation Center, planning and coordinating recreational activities for church-wide participation as well as activities open to outside groups. In addition, responsibility for planning, development and leadership of youth and college ministry.
Experience in these areas of local church ministry or closely related programs is desired. Administrative oversight and leadership with sensitivity to all involved in these ministries are essential. Other expectations include a strong work ethic, a collaborative work spirit, and a love for youth and college ministry.
It is expected that candidates will have a bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree from an accredited seminary or divinity school. Previous ordination to the gospel ministry and intent to unite with College Park Baptist Church upon call are required.
Job description is available below:
Job Description: Associate Pastor of Youth, College Students and Recreation
Interested candidates should send a cover letter and resume to Donna Bates, Search Committee Chair, at dbates@triad.rr.com by December 31, 2022.
College Park Baptist Church is seeking a candidate for an interim role as Associate Pastor for Students & Families. This full-time position will serve the congregation with a focus on ministry and discipleship for children (through 6th grade), youth (grades 7-12), and college students. It is expected that candidates will have a bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution, preferably with a concentration in a related subject area. It is desired but not required that candidates have a master’s level theological degree either completed or in progress. The church will provide certain flexibility in hours, particularly if a candidate is currently enrolled in divinity school. A copy of the position description is available here, including requirements and expectations. Interested candidates should send a cover letter and resume to Donna Bates, Search Committee Chair, at dbates@triad.rr.com by September 9, 2022. Additional details about timeframe of service, compensation, and other topics will be provided in the interview process.
College Park Baptist Church in Winston-Salem, NC is seeking a full time Youth Ministry Intern for the Summer of 2022, with possible extension into the school year this Fall. The position will require planning and implementation of youth ministry programming in cooperation with the Youth Ministry Council, pastor and staff of College Park.
If interested, please contact:
Ramon Smith, Pastor
College Park Baptist Church
1701 Polo Road
Winston-Salem, NC 27106
(336) 768-5870 X1013
Please join us for our Christmas Eve service at 5:00 p.m., either in our sanctuary or online via our Facebook page.
Please send your pictures to fathersday@collegepark.ws by Thursday, June 18.
College Park is resuming 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. Sunday worship services on June 7. Please view both to these videos to understand how we have prepared for reopening and what we ask of each other.
Important words from our pastor.
Pastor Ramon Smith describes in this video the next steps in re-opening the church campus.
View a short video message from our pastor Ramon Smith.
What is the most important statistic this week?
Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
The past few days have certainly been challenging for all of us. Who would have thought that we would be practicing social distancing, watching the stock market go on wild daily swings, finding empty shelves at the grocery store, and experiencing fear over an unseen contagion? As Christians, let us use this time of uncertainty to unite us as one body who glorifies God through our words and actions. Let us see this as a time for faith not fear, for giving not receiving, and for caring not crisis.
Philippians 4:6-7 states “…do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”
As you know, our building was closed Sunday and will be closed for at least the next few weeks – but as children of God – our worship is active wherever we are! Our faithful staff is leading us via Facebook and over the weekly stream on the website: https://collegepark.ws. Even though our building is closed, we are still faced with ongoing expenses and your offerings are essential to keep our ministry healthy. If you are looking for ways to give other than through the Sunday offering plate or giving kiosk, please see the information below.
Ways to Give:
1-Mail contributions directly to the church at CPBC 1701 Polo Rd Winston-Salem, NC 27106.
2-Use your online bill pay. All contributions received through this avenue will be credited to budget gifts unless otherwise noted in the memo.
3- Go to https://collegepark.ws. Click on giving and giving options. Click on electronically. (Alternatively, go directly to https://onrealm.org/collegepark/Give). You can give as a guest or give with your Realm email address and password. You can contribute from your checking account or a credit card and store it for future transactions. Please contact Grace in the church office if you have any questions.
4-Text CollegePark (with no spaces) to 73256. Select “Where Needed Most” or the budget fund you wish to give to. You can give by card or checking account.
5-Keep in mind any Qualified Charitable Contributions from your IRA or stock transfers.
Thank you for your faithfulness during this time.
Jim Pernell Steve Loftis
Finance Chairman Deacon Chairman
2 Corinthians 9:7 “Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”
We hope this finds you healthy and well. I don’t know about you, but it feels like life has both sped up and slowed down at the same time. We are in a strange time. The questions seemingly have no answers. Even if we do get answers one day, the next day comes with new questions.
We all feel something is different. We have this in common.
For that I am so very thankful. We do not have to weather this alone. It is a gift knowing that people are praying for one another and standing by to do whatever is needed. Even more so is knowing we serve a God who has not abandoned us. Thank God for His Holy Spirit and His church.
As we face these new days, our leadership and staff are working diligently to provide ongoing support and resources. In keeping with current recommendations by both Federal and State governments, all activities at College Park are cancelled until Monday, March 30. We will continue to monitor the situation and prepare for the time when it is safe for us all to return.
Our staff and leadership will be putting things together for a Sunday service which will be available by live stream and our church website. We will also be sending out resources for families, kids, students, and adults of every age.
Our first idea is to do the same Bible devotion together. We will start with a devotional called, “A Journey From Worry to Confident Hope: Praying Through the Lord’s Prayer.” Everyone is invited to read it together. Click this link and follow the instructions. It uses the “Bible” app available on smart phones, tablets, and computers. We hope you will join us in studying God’s word together. If you choose to read together with others, the first reading is scheduled for March 17. Let us know if you have any questions.
Keep being the church where you are. Love, sing, serve, encourage, and pray. Reach out by phone or device to your family, neighbors, fellow church members. This is a great opportunity to be the church where you are. Just because we are not able gather in the same building doesn’t mean we aren’t the church. Wherever God’s people are, He is with them. So continue being the church.
We will be in communication with you in the coming days. Please let us know if we can do anything for you. May the Lord bless you and keep you!
The Church Staff
Featured image by Ryk Neethling from Melbourne, Australia. CC Attribution 2.0 Generic, via wikimedia.org.
Dear College Park Family,
Yesterday morning, as I prepared the email that was sent out last evening, my hope was that we would be able to meet together tomorrow and gain some sense of peace and comfort by being together in the midst of the anxiety of this past week. We wrestled with should we meet…should we share communion in the usual fashion…? Based on the local information we had, we decided to not serve communion, but still meet together for those who wanted to come. In light of information that we have received since yesterday evening, we have decided to err on the side of caution and cancel all services tomorrow. We will stay tuned to all local information and make additional calls if necessary.
In the meantime, we will be live streaming a blended service on the church’s Facebook page about 9:00 in the morning, and the same service will be available later in the day through our usual Vimeo page, and the church website: www.collegepark.ws
Remember that there are people all around us that are fearful and need to experience the love and peace of Jesus! This can be a great time to show the love of Christ!
As always, please call if we can help in any way!